Emotional eating and chocolates

There is no doubt about it, chocolate is one of the most sought after food item especially of those who are emotional eaters. Chocolates are indeed delectable and sinful, so does that mean that emotional eaters who crave for these sweet treats are doomed? Are there good things about the chocolate at all? Here is a quick rundown of some of the good and bad about everyone’s favourite sweet fix.

1. Chocolates vs. Stress

Good: Studies have shown that the cocoa in chocolate helps in lowering the levels of the stress hormone and elevates the happy hormones in the body. So the darker, the chocolate, the higher is its possibility of helping with stress. Even just the smell of chocolate can increase the brain waves that results in relaxation and elevate the mood.

Bad: White chocolate has more sugar than cocoa so it does not really help ease stress but can give the “sugar high” which may seem like a happy feeling. On the other hand, although dark chocolates may help with stress, too much of it can cause hypertension, dehydration and insomnia because of the high caffeine content.

2. Chocolates vs. Weight Gain

Good: Dark chocolates are more filling than lighter variants so it eases cravings much quicker, thus you do not want to consume so much more. Also, drinking a cup of hot cocoa before meals is said to diminish appetite.

Bad: It is a well-known fact that chocolates are high in calories and may cause weight gain when taken beyond moderation, no matter what kind of chocolate you choose.

3. Chocolates vs. Diseases

Good: Dark chocolate has been given a reputation as the “good chocolate” because it can actually help lower the risks for diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke. This is because dark chocolate has antioxidants called flavonoids (about 8 times more than that found in strawberry) which elevate the flexibility of arteries and veins.

Bad: Consuming more than the suggested serving size (one small square a day) counteracts the health benefits of dark chocolates. And again, the benefit is only limited to dark chocolate.

4. Chocolates vs. Sweet tooth

Good: Cacao in its purer form has antibacterial agents that help fight tooth decay.

Bad: Chocolates that have less cacao and more sugar heighten gum disease and tooth problems.


  • Opt for dark chocolate because it is the only healthy chocolate. Check the label to be sure that the dark chocolate is at least 70% cacao or cocoa.
  • White chocolate is technically a chocolate because it lacks cocoa. Other than not really being a chocolate, it also contains so much sugar.
  • Even when you choose dark chocolate, make sure to set a limit of four dark chocolate bars a week to avoid eating too much. As with other kinds of indulgences, moderation is the key.
  • If you find that your emotional eating behaviour appears to be getter worse despite switching to better variants of chocolate, it might be wise to seek professional help.

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